(11 January 2011)


Had a talk yesterday at cell with Si Jia and I start to realize the scare

impact of saying to ourself "doesn't matter, never mind, forget about it and

is ok." At the very moment you might not realize the impact and effect. After

some time as all this sentence keep repeating it becomes a habit and slowly

it will be part of your character. Which in a long runs built up the insecurity

and harden heart in us. As the time past We will self demerit our own worth

and we will be fearful to learnt or try new skills. 

Through the chat I also realize that seems Secondary one I already have

this kind of habit which in turn become part of my character.



(17 March 2011)


如我的标题 久违 的 文章。

我或许 和很多 人一样 迷上了 容易 简单 又 方便 的 脸书

所以索性 就不打 长长的 部落格 文章。

这或许 是一种 社会 现象。社交网站 如 脸书 微博 都 

占据我们 大部分 的 时间 和 交友 的 方式。 不用出门

你就能 交到 世界 各地 的朋友。父母也能 通过社交 网站

来知道 自己 的 子女 都 在忙什么, 都跟什么人 交朋友。

偶像明星 也能 通过 社交网站 和歌迷 联络感情。

商人也 利用 了 社交网站 来打 广告 和 吸引 

他们 要的 年龄层。 

我也 迷上了 脸书, 阿京 和 又时!

真希望 看到 她们 两个 能 更新 脸书 或 微博。

各位 晚安了!


(4 April 2011)


Most of the posts in my blog were completed in Mandarin but 

I have enought of Mandarin today

because I finish up a chinese book within one day. 

So basically I was thinking what are the questions

we should have and ask in life. Or maybe what are the 

actual or stright foreward or once and for all 

questions and help we should ask for. As I was kind of 

sick and tired of counselloring people that face 

the same problems. What Ps Khong said in one of his 

sermon kind of flash through my mind which he says some thing

like why people always fall in the same pit. End up people 

had to use the same words to encourage them and the same

cycle just go on through then whole life. All this take place 

all the time is because they always live in the past 

and never learnt from the past and move on. 

This same circumstances and problems will just replay like how some

ghost story describes the same accident will just take place 

again and again till the ghost get a answer for his or her

death or she get something he or she wanted. 

I think this kind of people need to go to a doctor

because it is a kind of mental illness when it get to

a deeper state of hurting themselves and others.


(24 June 2011)

第二次参加 《你在囧什么2?》的感想。

其实相比 第一系列的节目 我觉得我录的 过程中比较享受。

我觉得在录 第一系列是 我比较在状况内。或许在场的人

给我的感觉 和他们制造的氛围 让我能够放心的 畅所欲言吧...

也或许在录第二系列是 我对自己的期许会比较高 

导致反效果 反而表现没有比之前好。

也或许是在场的人,布景 和 话题 以不一样。氛围,步调,期许,

要求,目标 和 心智 也 以不一样。

我还停留在 我想让更多大人知道 现在的青少年 其实很有想发 我们不是他们眼里

的那个 以自我为中心的自私鬼 我们并不是什么都不知道 我们并不是空有外表,有智慧,

却没有良心和爱心的一群。但或许其他 人的目的是要 搏出位,让更多人认识他们,红的 发红发紫。

我承认我也被 他们影响导致我 自己都不知 自己在讲什么 写什么。

我之后才知道 我并没有做好自己 之前想好的 目标和催化剂的角色。

我觉的我还是个 随波逐流的人。我的影响力还是不够大,我的抵制力有待加强。

或许经过这次的录影 这是我学到最宝贵的一课~

希望囧三的到来 我能开清我在节目里 扮演的角色是什么吧~


(4 July 2011)


Actually I didn't expect myself to be in a encounter camp this year because I went last year.

I also didn't expect myself as a logistic team helper in the camp because I never done this

before, most probably they will get someone more skilful and experience than me. But I believe

the pastors and leaders see the faithfulness, righteousness, resposible and reliable character

as well as they are really shorthanded so they ask me to tag along and help. I don't know how

much work I will be given to do, how much help I can provide, how much time and effort given is

been appreciate and unappreciate, what can I expect to take back and learnt through the process.

But indeed I go with a unwilling heart to serve but after I reach the campsite and start to get 

the hand of what I'm suppose to do. I really put all my heart, soul, effort and time into the 

small small detail I was told to take note of. But I believe there is still rooms of improve in

terms of the speed of solving problems, getting the instruction right before carrying out the things,

ask clearly, the timing to pass the tissues to the participants, make the best arrangement and move to

accomodate with the other log team members and most important the chemistry between memebers to cooperate better.

In conclusion this is quite a good opportunity to let me learnt through all the mistakes I had made through the

process of helping. In this community when we make mistake we will not be scolded but we will be given a chance 

to learnt from our mistake and there is room for making improve. But in the society we will definitely get scolded 

when we make those small mistake in the eyes of the people that is more experience. Anyway I feel very thankful and blessed 

to be in this log team to help out as a newbie.


(23 December 2011)


It had been a few months I never update my blog and really write down all my thoughts.

I am getting not really that reflective as I go through this few months as I

fully rely on my iPhone. I am starting to receive lots of fact, information and knowledge

from the iPhone but I am not dropping them of anywhere. I am starting to get a bit self

centered and caught up in my thoughs lot of "me", "I" and "Thy". 

As I am slowly stepping out of the same zone as I do lots of things I am really caught up

in doing all the things.

Hope that as the time go by I will get back to the right track by having the thoughts that I am

doing God's works. So that I will not be so caught up in doing and not focus on what is the purposeyear 

of all this and the lesson I had learnt throught all this.

Last year at this timimg I am doing my Life skills project but this year I am doing my Project accounting 

final year project, Gkids party, 200 people Christmas party and 2k11 project( using iBless cards to bless people

on the streets of Singapore) (Streets of Singapore such as Bukit merah, Orchard and marine parade for 24 hours 

from 23 Dec to 24 Dec.) I also really happy that I manage to invite around 5 friends for my cell Christmas party.

Hope that the Lord's presence will fill this Party!


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